Stretching one’s personal growth and capabilities is no easy feat, yet Director of Talent Acquisition Andrea McGowan has always been up for the challenge. In June 2020, McGowan was tasked with overseeing Charles Schwab’s roughly 2,000 contingent workers, 25 suppliers, early-career employees and intern recruiting program.

McGowan’s impressive drive grew into multiple initiatives, implementing Charles Schwab’s first-generation managed services program as well as converting the contingent workforce program of TD Ameritrade — acquired in October 2020 — to the Schwab umbrella in less than 90 days. “We’ve hit what I think is a stabilization point in our program, and to do that with just a little over a year and a half under our belt is really a success to all involved and a credit to our partnership with Kelly OCG,” she says.

Launching a new MSP came with challenges, but McGowan emphasized the importance of change management and giving people a consistent experience each time. “Change is hard for people, but reminding them of their why and what’s in it for them is really the key to success,” she says.

Through it all, McGowan remains motivated crediting her accolades to her team members. “I would be remiss if I didn’t say that without the people that work for my team — Emily Alexander, Julie Jacobs, the people at MSP provider Kelly OCG — I wouldn’t be here today. It’s a collective effort.”