Keisha Stephens brings a combination of MSP solution provider and in-house experience to every conversation at Splunk. As director of talent acquisition operations, she enjoys collaborating — with stakeholders, contingent workforce professionals and vendors — to brainstorm and create solutions for Splunk while helping elevate the space.

She has also been on a mission not just to increase the diversity spend but to work with suppliers that have strong diversity initiatives. Most recently, she has been working on the implementation of a new MSP for Splunk. The program has been around in the US for around 18 months and was rolled out globally in the last eight months. “I’ve worked for MSP and the VMS providers lifting these programs, but this is now my second [role] where I’m managing the VMS and MSP,” Stephens says.

In April, Stephens took over talent acquisitions operations at Splunk for pre-onboarding, coordination, employee referrals, immigration and relocation in addition to managing the contingent workforce, which has given her six programs and 37 employees to oversee. “I have an interesting mix right now. I’m doing a lot of things with contingent and full-time candidates as well,” Stephens shares.

Currently, Stephens and Splunk are working on contingent workforce governance, looking at compliance, implementing direct sourcing and making sure that there is continuity among all programs.